在令人沮丧的情况下,学生们通常会在他们认为超出自己控制范围的情况下辱骂别人. Anger and frustration become displaced from those situations to you. These students often feel they will be rejected and, therefore, reject you first. 他们经常意识到他们愤怒背后的戏剧性和恐吓,并意识到他们的影响, yet they feel they have nothing to lose.
- Acknowledge their anger and frustration, e.g.“我听说你很生气.”
- Rephrase what they are saying and identify their emotion, e.g., “我知道你有多难过,因为你觉得自己的权利被侵犯了,没有人会听你的.”
- Allow them to vent, get their feelings out, and tell you what is upsetting them
- Reduce stimulation; invite the person to your office or other quiet place if this is comfortable.
- 考虑让你的办公室大门敞开,或者邀请其他教职员工加入你.
- Tell them that you are not willing to accept their verbally abusive behavior, e.g., “When you yell and scream at me that way, I find it hard (impossible) to listen.”
- 告诉他们,他们侵犯了你的私人空间,请退后(如果他们身体上靠得太近), e.g., “Please stand back; you’re too close.”
- 帮助学生解决问题,并在他们平静下来后处理真正的问题.
- Get into an argument or shouting match.
- Become hostile or punitive yourself, e.g.“你不能那样跟我说话.”
- 追问对方行为的解释或原因——“现在我想让你确切地告诉我,你为什么这么令人讨厌.”
- Look away and not deal with the situation.
- Give away your own rights as a faculty or staff member.
- Hesitate to call Campus Security, (540) 678-4444 if the situation escalates.
The Violent Or Physically Destructive Student
暴力, 因为情绪困扰, 是非常罕见的,通常只发生在学生完全沮丧,觉得没有其他选择的时候.
- 通过迅速而冷静地承认情况的严重性来避免彻底的沮丧和无助, e.g., “我看得出来你真的很难过,真的很认真,心里有一些严重的担忧.”
- Explain clearly and directly what behaviors are acceptable, e.g.你当然有权利生气,但是大喊大叫、打人(打碎东西)是不对的.K.”
- Get necessary help such as other staff, Campus Security, (540) 678-4444.
- 呆在空旷的地方.
- Divert attention and when all else fails, e.g.“如果你打我,我帮不了你。.”
- Ignore warning signs that the person is about to explode, e.g., yelling, screaming, clenched fists, statements like, “You’re leaving me no choice.”
- Threaten, dare, taunt, or push into a corner.
- Touch.
考虑到大学生活的压力,学生们特别容易吸毒. A variety of substances are available that provide escape from pressing demands. 唯一的问题是,这些药物很快就会以成瘾的形式产生一系列问题, 易出事故,身体不好. 滥用最多的物质是酒精.
- Be on the alert for signs of drug abuse (preoccupation with drugs, inability to participate in class activities, 课堂表现恶化, 记忆丧失或昏厥的时期).
- Share your honest concern for the person–Encourage him/her to seek help.
- Get necessary help in instances of intoxication, 电话咨询中心, (540) 665-4530 and/or the Blue Ridge Area Intergroup 24 hour hotline, (800) 835-6130.
- 忽略问题.
- 惩罚或训诫.
- Refer to your personal use of substances.
- 鼓励这种行为.
The Student In Poor 联系 With Reality
These students have difficulty distinguishing fantasy from reality. 他们的思维通常是不合逻辑的, 困惑, disturbed; they may coin new words, see or hear things that no one else can, 有不合理的信念, and exhibit bizarre or inappropriate behavior. 一般来说,这些学生并不危险,只是非常困惑、害怕和不知所措.
- Respond with warmth and kindness, but with firm reasoning.
- 移除环境中额外的刺激,在安静的环境中看他们(如果你觉得这样做很舒服的话).
- Acknowledge your concerns and state that you can see they need help, e.g., “你似乎很难把所有这些正在发生的事情结合起来,我很担心你, 我想帮忙.”
- Acknowledge the feelings or fears without supporting the misperceptions, e.g., “我理解你认为他们在试图伤害你,我也知道这对你来说是多么真实, 但我听不见那些声音).”
- Reveal your difficulty in understanding them (when appropriate), e.g.“对不起,我不明白——你能重复一遍或者换一种方式说吗??”
- 关注“此时此地”——转换话题,将注意力从非理性转移到理性或现实.
- Speak to their healthy side, which they have – it’s O.K. to joke, laugh, or smile when appropriate.
- Refer the student to 咨询中心, (540) 665-4530.
- 与他们争论或试图说服他们相信他们的想法是不合理的,因为这会让他们更多地捍卫自己的立场(错误的看法).
- 一起玩吧。.g., “Oh yeah, I hear the voices (or see the devil).”
- Encourage further revelations of their distorted thinking.
- 要求、命令或命令.
- 期待习惯的情绪反应.
通常,这些学生抱怨的不是他们的心理困难. They are tense, anxious, mistrustful and loners. 他们倾向于将轻微的疏忽解释为严重的个人拒绝,并且经常对微不足道的事情反应过度. 他们认为自己是每个人行为的焦点,发生的每件事对他们都有特殊的意义. They are overly concerned with fairness and being treated equally. Feelings of worthlessness and inadequacy underline most of their behavior. 他们看起来既能干又聪明.
- 表达同情而不是亲密的友谊——多疑的学生在亲近方面有困难.
- Be firm, steady, punctual, and consistent.
- Be specific and clear regarding standards of behavior you expect.
- Assure the student that you are his/her friend; agree you’re a stranger, 但即使是陌生人也会担心.
- 过分温暖和呵护.
- Flatter or participate in their games; you don’t know the rules.
- 可爱或幽默.
- Challenge or agree with any mistaken or illogical beliefs.
- 是模糊的.
Epidemiological studies show that at any given time, seven percent of the general population is clinically depressed. These students show a multitude of symptoms, e.g., guilt, 低自尊, 无价值感, and inadequacy as well as physical symptoms such as a change in appetite, 难以入睡, 早期的觉醒, 对日常活动缺乏兴趣.
- Let the student know you’re aware he/she is feeling down and you would like to help.
- 伸出超过一半的手,鼓励学生表达她/他的感受. Depressed students are often initially reluctant to talk, yet others’ attention helps the student feel more worthwhile.
- 告诉学生你的关心, 咨询咨询中心, (540) 665-4530 and/or the National Foundation for Depressive Illness, (800) 239-1265.
- Say, “Don’t worry”,”Crying won’t help”, or “Everything will be better tomorrow.”
- Be afraid to ask whether the student is suicidal if you think he/she may be.
Suicide is the third leading cause of death among college students. The suicidal student is intensely ambivalent about killing himself/herself and typically responds to help; suicidal states are definitely time limited and most who commit suicide are neither crazy nor psychotic. 有时,最近的损失可能会引发死亡的想法,而没有真正的兴趣去结束自己的生命. High risk indicators include feelings of hopelessness, 无助, and futility; a severe loss or threat of loss; a detailed suicidal plan; history of a previous attempt; history of alcohol or drug abuse; and feelings of alienation and isolation. 这不仅仅是抑郁,这是一种完全放弃生活和所有日常任务的感觉. 有自杀倾向的学生通常想要表达他们的感受,而无法做到这一点则会导致对自己的愤怒或愤怒.
- 认真对待这个问题——75%的自杀者会向朋友或家人警告他们的意图.
- Be willing to listen – even if professional help is needed, a student will be more willing to seek help if you have listened to him or her.
- 表达你的担忧——主动询问是什么困扰着学生,让他们知道你有多担心.
- 立即寻求专业帮助.
- 如果发生在办公时间(上午9点至下午5点),请将学生带到蕾西大厅的健康中心,见我们的辅导员之一.
- 下班后, 拨打911和/或鼓励他们拨打温彻斯特危机护理中心当地的24小时危机热线, (540) 536-8152 at Winchester Medical Center.
- They can also contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, (800) 273-8255.
- Assume the situation will take care of itself.
- 发誓保守秘密.
- Act shocked or surprised at what the person says.
- 挑战或大冒险.
- 争论或辩论道德问题.
Most of us live, work, teach and learn in a complex and stressful world. 流行病学研究表明,在任何给定的时间,17%的普通人群患有临床水平的焦虑.
- 倾听,让他们表达自己的感受和想法——真诚的倾听往往能减轻很大的压力.
- Be clear and explicit with what your expectations are for your class.
- 保持冷静.
- 鼓励学生参加压力管理研讨会或预约咨询师
Other Stress management and emotional wellness links:
- Minimize the severity of anxiety symptoms.
- Argue about how bad things are or tell them they will “snap out of it” soon.
- Get frustrated when your suggestions are resisted.